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Email Marketing Templates

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The email newsletter is still an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

Did you know that email is 40x more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined?

Or that the return on investment on email is 28.5 percent, compared to 7 percent for direct mail?

This is why we decided to add some email marketing templates to help you in your daily newsletter.


Eminent Member Admin
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Template 1: 

Subject: {Your Topic} 101: Where to begin?


I am sure you opened this email because you want to {know more about your topic}, and that you have tried before but did not fully succeed.

You're in luck because this is the only {your topic} tutorial you'll need to get you started!

Not interested yet?

{Add here an interesting catchy fact about your topic.} 

Read the full tutorial and start {your topic} in no time!


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Template 2

Subject: Did you see our secret Formula for {your topic}?
Ever wished you could achieve more? Probably sit down and relax knowing you are achieving {something related to your topic} as easy as possible?

Well, there is a secret formula to do this and we at {company Name} use it.

Everything is revealed in this article.

Don't miss it out!


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Template 3

Subject: Ultimate Toolkit Revealed: How to Skyrocket your earnings in {your business}
Body: {Add a catchy fact like this}: Affiliate Marketing is a 7 Billion Dollar industry.

{Make sure your reader knows why he needs your toolkit to succeed}This means it is worth taking a part of it to get some big bucks!

In this article, we reveal all the tools we as {Your company name} use to skyrocket our earnings each month.

Whether you are new or already working in {your industry}, you need these tools.

Make sure you do not miss it!


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Template 4

Subject: 30 Seconds of your time (or less)

Body: I'll keep this short and sweet to make the 26 seconds it takes to read this worth your time (yes, I timed it.)

As a [job title] at [company], I get to speak with people like you about [achieving X]. [Prospect company] is on my radar because we've helped a lot of companies in [X space] with [business area].

Could we schedule a 15- to 20-minute call to discuss your strategy for [Y] — what excites you, which challenges you to see, and how you envision your plan changing down the road? Even if you decide not to continue the conversation after our call, you'll leave with some advice for [business area] that will make an immediate impact.


Eminent Member Admin
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Template 5

Subject: From Zero to twelve thousand $ in 100 days?


Did you know that an average YouTube Channel with 100K subscribers can charge about 12K $ for a sponsored video?

This is awesome, right?

It is time to start and grow your channel.

In this article, we will show you how to grow your channel from zero to 100K subscribers in 100 days only!

Do not miss it!

