create professional email signature for free
professional email signature for free

what is email signature ?

An email signature is a block of text that is automatically appended to the end of an email message. It usually contains the sender’s name, contact information, and a brief message. Email signatures are used to provide additional contact information in case a recipient needs to contact you, or to display a personal or corporate logo, by building brand awareness through your company logo or website URL. Or just to add a personal touch to your postal letter. There are plenty of email signature generation services available online, but today we are going to share with you Woodpecker Email Signatures, a service to create professional looking signatures in one simple step.

woodpecker Email Signature

Woodpecker Email Signatures is a comprehensive, free web tool that provides a range of customization options for creating a professional, easy-to-use email signature.

professional email signature for free 2
professional email signature for free

To get started, you will go to the service website and then click on the CHOOSE TEMPLATE option, and select the template that suits you from the list. Then you’ll enter your name, contact information, and any other text you want to include. You can also choose from a variety of fonts and colors to create a unique look. After you’re done, you’ll click CREATE SIGNATURE to create your digital signature or click View to preview it.

professional email signature for free
professional email signature for free

After successfully creating your digital signature, now comes the stage of including it in your email provider. To this end, you will head to the YouTube Playlist to see how to do it with video and audio on different mail providers

professional email signature for free
professional email signature for free

Create a professional email signature  for free. Use it in your Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo and Office 365

Okay the second method for creating a professional email signature completely for free is using the free design tool called canva now to arrive at canva you can simply head over to