sell services with

Do you want to make money online doing nothing with zero investment? Awesome! Because I’ll help you learn how to sell services online using WooCommerce and make over $1000 per month.

Don’t worry; you don’t have to fulfill the services yourself.

You can find other people to do it for a low price on freelancing sites like Fiverr or Upwork. That’s called drop servicing or service arbitrage. Yes, I have talked about this earlier in this blog.

But in this post, you’ll learn how to create an online store with WooCommerce to offer services you can outsource and fulfill.

The best thing about this is that, to work for this, you don’t need:

  • A large audience.
  • Huge investments.
  • Displaying ads or affiliate offers.
  • Top-notch skills (Except for the natural ones).

Sounds exciting, right? Let’s start right now.

How to Sell Services Using WooCommerce (2022)

Let me tell you my story first. So my friend is an expert in doing the services I offer on H-Educate that gets substantial traffic consistently. And we usually make around a thousand dollars every month. I do not provide the services myself.

Step 1: Create a Website to Sell Service Using WooCommerce

The first thing you need is a WordPress website. For that, you need a domain name and hosting services. Here’s how you can create a website to exploit service arbitrage:

Resources and tools

Ensure you have a workable site structure and design. When designing your drop servicing store, think of your ideal clients. Create a privacy policy, terms of use, and other standard pages on your site.

Step 2: Install WooCommerce to Sell Services on Your Site

WooCommerce is an excellent plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress website into a full-fledged eCommerce store. It’s the tool you’ll use to sell services and other digital products on your site.

woocommerce plugin

Follow the process to install WooCommerce.

  • Go to your site’s WordPress dashboard (
  • Click on the “Plugins” from the left menubar.
  • Click on “Add New” and search for “WooCommerce.”
  • Install and activate the first plugin on the list.

Once installed, you need to set up WooCommerce. Enter your business name and address to attain Google’s EAT, or skip it for now. Yes, you can use your name and home address as well. And complete the installation wizard now.

Step 3: Add Products to the WooCommerce Dashboard

After installation and set up, it’s time to add products. Of course, you’ll add services as digital products in your WooCommerce store.

To do that, go to Products and click on ‘Add Product’ from the left menubar in your WooCommerce dashboard.


Follow these tips to add a service to your service arbitrage business store:

Keyword Research Tool

Write a catchy product description and title. Then, under the “product data” section on the right, select “simple product.” You can offer variable products as well (multiple services and more).


Add a visually appealing image to offer the idea of your services. And you can always jump on Canva to create beautiful designs even if you’re not a designer or graphic expert.

Step 4: Offer Payment Methods

Now that you’ve added services to your WooCommerce store, it’s time to offer payment methods. Only then will your customers be able to buy them, right?

WooCommerce supports all the popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, etc. All you need is to install the relevant plugins and follow their documentation to set up each gateway.

You can also use other methods like bank deposits or explore other local payment gateways on WooCommerce Extension Store.


WooCommerce Payment Extensions

Here’s how to add a payment method to sell services using WooCommerce:

  • Jump on the WooCommerce plugin in your WP dashboard.
  • Click on the settings.
  • Go to the ‘Payments’ section.
  • Select or add a payment gateway for your service customers.
  • Set it up by giving your payment account details as well.

And boom! You’ve just added a payment gateway to your WooCommerce store. Should you start promoting your services right away? It depends on you. But I recommend hiring someone before promoting services on your site.

Step 5: Find Someone to Do the Services

You may be thinking, “Why should I hire someone when I can do the services independently?” Well, go ahead and do it. But then you’ll have to focus on acquiring clients, marketing your services, and offering them.

Focus on building the marketing system and acquiring clients. Let others handle the work part. You’ll eventually need to transition from that as well. But for now, it’s best to outsource the part of the service.

Plus, you wanted to make money with no skills or do nothing. Remember?

And it’s best to hire someone, especially if you are not an expert in the field.


Outsource services from freelancing sites like Fiverr, Upwork, PeoplePerHour, and more. You can also find service providers locally or on Facebook groups. Once you have someone in place, move to the next step.

Step 6: Start Promoting Your Services Online

You’ve added services to your WooCommerce store. And you’ve outsourced the service part too. Now, it’s time to start promoting your services online so that people can find and buy them.

There are both free and paid ways to do it.

I recommend starting with free methods only if you cannot invest in paid ads. Otherwise, use Google AdsFacebook retargeting campaignsQuora ads, and more to drive targeted traffic to your service.

Even after spending your bucks on ads, you can make $1000 per month or even more in profits.

But if you want to go for free ways to drive traffic to your online store based on service, here’s how to do it:

  • Use Google My Business to get free traffic to your service business.
  • Leverage social media platforms and social blogging as well.
  • Use content marketing with a blog, emails, and more.
  • Run podcasts, make YouTube videos, and go live on social media.
  • Get featured on other sites in your industry or field.
  • Attend webinars, conferences, and meetups related to your services.

There are endless ways to promote your service online for free (or at a low cost). But the key is to start promoting as soon as you’ve added services to your WooCommerce store.

Step 7: Start Making $1000 Per Month or More.

You’re all set!

By now, you should have services live on your WooCommerce store. You should also be promoting them online using the free or paid methods I’ve shared above.

It’s time to sit back and see the sales coming in. Soon, you’ll start making $1000 per month in profits or even more. Do your maths and calculate the number of sales you need to do per month to make $1000.

For example, if your average service value is $100 and you have a 10% profit margin, you need to sell at least ten services per month.

$100 x 10 = $1000

And that’s it! In my case, I’ve asked one of my friends to do the work. Then we split the profits evenly between us. And that’s how I make around $1000 every month with no or minimal skills and efforts.

Service Arbitrage: 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid (2022)

If you’re planning to start a service arbitrage business, there are a few mistakes you need to avoid. Here are the top 5 mistakes people make when starting a service arbitrage business:


1/ Not Defining Their Target Market

The first mistake people make is not defining their target market. They try to offer services to everyone without having a specific target market in mind.

As a result, they end up losing money and time because they cannot attract the right kind of clients.

2/ Take on More Work Than You Can Outsource

Another mistake people make is taking on more work than they can outsource. They try to do everything themselves and end up burning out quickly.

3/ Not Promoting Their Services Enough

Another common mistake is not promoting their services enough. They think that if they build it, clients will come. But that’s not true. You need to promote your services actively if you want to make sales.

4/ Not Having a Solid Pricing Strategy

Another mistake service arbitrageurs make is not having a solid pricing strategy. They either charge too much and lose clients or charge too little and make no profits. Research your competitors and come up with solid pricing.

5/ Forward Tasks to Clients Without Inspection

They think that it’s good enough as long as the work is done. But that’s not true. Quality matters a lot when it comes to services. Thoroughly check the work before you forward it to the client.

People make these five most common mistakes when starting a service arbitrage business. Avoid these mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to success.